Hypertext Transfer Server Control Methods  
Method Description
AddHost Add a new virtual host to the server virtual host table
AddPath Add a new virtual path for the specified host
AddUser Add a new virtual user to the server
Authenticate Authenticate the client and assign access rights for the session
CheckPath Determine if the client has permission to access the specified virtual path
ClearHeaders Delete all of the response headers for the specified client session
DeleteHost Delete a virtual host associated with the specified server
DeletePath Delete a virtual path from the specified virtual host
DeleteUser Remove a virtual user from the server
Disconnect Disconnect the specified client session from the server
GetAllHeaders Return all of the request header values in the specified string buffer
GetHeader Return the value of a request header for the specified client session
GetVariable Return the value of a CGI environment variable for the specified client
Initialize Initialize the control and validate the runtime license key
ReceiveRequest Receive the request that was sent by the client to the server
RedirectRequest Redirect the request from the client to another URL
RegisterHandler Register a CGI program for use and associate it with a file name extension
RegisterProgram Register a CGI program for use and associate it with a virtual path on the server
RequireAuthentication Send a response to the client indicating that authentication is required
Reset Reset the internal state of the control to its default values
ResolvePath Resolve a path to its full virtual or local file name
Restart Restart the server, terminating all active client connections
Resume Resume accepting new client connections
SendError Send a customized error response to the specified client
SendResponse Send a result code and message to the client in response to a command
SetHeader Create or change the value of a response header for the client session
SetVariable Create or change the value of a CGI environment variable for the specified client
Start Start listening for client connections on the specified IP address and port number
Stop Stop listening for new client connections and terminate all client sessions
Suspend Suspend accepting new client connections
Throttle Limit the maximum number of client connections, connections per IP address and connection rate
Uninitialize Uninitialize the control and release any system resources that were allocated