AttachImage Method  

Attach an inline image to the current message.


object.AttachImage( FileName, [ContentId] )


A string which specifies the name of the image file to be attached to the message. If the file is empty or does not exist, an error will be returned by the control.
An optional string which specifies the content ID that is associated with the inline image. If this parameter is omitted or is an empty string, a random content ID string will be automatically generated.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the method succeeds. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The AttachImage method attaches an inline image to the current message. Unlike a normal file attachment, this method is designed to be used with HTML formatted email messages that display images attached to the message. If the message already contains one or more images or file attachments, then it is added to the end of the message. If the message does not contain any attachments, then it is converted to a multipart message and the image is appended to the message.

The AttachFile method can be used to add standard file attachments to the message.

See Also

Boundary Property, ContentType Property, AttachFile Method, ExtractFile Method