PostArticle Method  

Post a new article to the current newsgroup.


object.PostArticle( Message, [Options] )


A string or byte array which will contain the article to be posted to the server.
An optional integer value which specifies one or more options. This argument is reserved for future use and should be omitted.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The PostArticle method is used to submit the contents of the specified buffer to the server as a new article in the current newsgroup. This method will cause the current thread to block until the article transfer completes, a timeout occurs or the transfer is canceled. During the transfer, the OnProgress event will fire periodically, enabling the application to update any user interface objects such as a progress bar.

Not all newsgroups permit new articles to be posted, and some newsgroups may require that you email the article to a moderator for approval instead of posting directly to the group. It may be required that the client authenticate itself using the Authenticate method prior to posting the article.

A news article is similar to an email message in that it contains one or more header fields, followed by an empty line, followed by the body of the article. Each line of text should be terminated by a carriage return/linefeed sequence of characters. The Mail Message control can be used to compose a message if needed. Note that the article header must contain a header field named "Newsgroups" with a value that specifies the newsgroup or newsgroups the article is being posted to. If this header field is missing, the news server will reject the article.

See Also

Authenticate Method, GetArticle Method, GetHeaders Method, OnProgress Event