AutoDial Property  

Determine if autodialing has been enabled on the local system.


[form].object.AutoDial [= { True | False } ]


The AutoDial property can be used to determine if autodialing is enabled or disabled on the current system. When autodialing is enabled and an application attempts to establish a connection over the Internet, a dialog box will be displayed asking the user if they want to connect to their default service provider. This property will return True if autodialing is currently enabled, or False if it has been disabled.

Setting the AutoDial property allows an application to change the autodial settings for the current user. Setting the property value to True specifies that you wish to enable autodialing, and the system will prompt the user to establish a dial-up connection when necessary. Setting the property to False disables autodialing, and prevents the system from prompting the user. This can be beneficial if your application needs to run in an unattended mode. If you change the autodial settings for the user, it is recommended that you restore them to their original value before the application terminates.

This property can only be changed by applications running under Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 and later versions. If the autodial settings cannot be changed by the current user, an error will be generated.

Data Type
