ThrowError Property  

Enable or disable error handling by the container of the control.


object.ThrowError = { True | False }


Error handling for methods can be done in either of two different styles, according to the value of this property.

If the ThrowError property is set to False, the application should check the return value of any method that is used, and report errors based upon the documented value of the return code. It is the responsibility of the application to interpret the error code, if it is desired to explain the error in addition to reporting it.

If the ThrowError property is set to True, then errors occurring within the control will be thrown to the container of the control. For example, in Visual Basic 6.0, the On Error statement is used to establish error handling. Note that if an error occurs while a property value is being accessed, an exception will be raised regardless of the value of the ThrowError property.

Data Type



The following example handles errors by checking the return code of a method:

Dim nError As Long

' The control will not raise an exception when an error occurs
Server1.ThrowError = False

' Start the server
nError = Server1.Start()

' If the method returns an error code, then display a message box
' and exit the subroutine
If nError > 0 Then
    MsgBox Server1.LastErrorString, vbExclamation
    Exit Sub

The following example handles errors by generating an exception:

On Error GoTo Failed

' The control will raise an exception when an error occurs 
Server1.ThrowError = True

' Start the server
Exit Sub

' If the method fails, code execution will resume at this label
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
Exit Sub

See Also

LastError Property, OnError Event