MousePointer Property  

Gets and sets the type of pointer which is displayed when the mouse is positioned over the control window.


object.MousePointer [= pointer ]


The MousePointer property returns the type of pointer that is currently displayed when the mouse is positioned over the control window. Setting the property changes the type of mouse pointer that is displayed. This can be useful if you wish to indicate a change in functionality, such as changing the pointer to an hourglass when the program is busy processing information.

The following values may be assigned to this property:

Value Constant Description
0 nvtDefault The default mouse pointer
1 nvtArrow Arrow pointer
2 nvtCrosshair Crosshair pointer
3 nvtIBeam I-beam pointer, commonly used when editing text
4 nvtIcon Icon pointer, a small square within a square
5 nvtSize Size pointer, four point arrow pointing north, south, east and west
6 nvtSizeNESW Size pointer, arrows pointing northeast and southwest
7 nvtSizeSN Size pointer, arrows pointing north and south
8 nvtSizeNWSE Size pointer, arrows pointing northwest and southeast
9 nvtSizeWE Size pointer, arrows pointing west and east
10 nvtUpArrow Up arrow pointer
11 nvtHourglass Hourglass pointer
12 nvtNoDrop No drop pointer, a circle with a slash through it
13 nvtArrowHourglass Arrow pointer with a small hourglass
14 nvtArrowQuestion Arrow pointer with a small question mark
15 nvtArrowSizeAll Size all pointer

Data Type

Integer (Int32)


The following example sets the MousePointer to an hourglass, which is typically used to indicate to the user that they program is busy and that they should wait for it to complete the current operation:

Terminal1.MousePointer = nvtHourglass

See Also

MouseMove Event