Value |
Constant |
Description |
10001 |
stErrorNotHandleOwner |
Handle not owned by the current thread |
10002 |
stErrorFileNotFound |
The specified file or directory does not exist |
10003 |
stErrorFileNotCreated |
The specified file could not be created |
10004 |
stErrorOperationCanceled |
The blocking operation has been canceled |
10005 |
stErrorInvalidFileType |
The specified file is a block or character device, not a
regular file |
10006 |
stErrorInvalidDevice |
The specified device or address does not exist |
10007 |
stErrorTooManyParameters |
The maximum number of function parameters has been
exceeded |
10008 |
stErrorInvalidFileName |
The specified file name contains invalid characters or is too
long |
10009 |
stErrorInvalidFileHandle |
Invalid file handle passed to function |
10010 |
stErrorFileReadFailed |
Unable to read data from the specified file |
10011 |
stErrorFileWriteFailed |
Unable to write data to the specified file |
10012 |
stErrorOutOfMemory |
Out of memory |
10013 |
stErrorAccessDenied |
Access denied |
10014 |
stErrorInvalidParameter |
Invalid argument passed to function |
10015 |
stErrorClipboardUnavailable |
The system clipboard is currently unavailable |
10016 |
stErrorClipboardEmpty |
The system clipboard is empty or does not contain any text
data |
10017 |
stErrorFileEmpty |
The specified file does not contain any data |
10018 |
stErrorFileExists |
The specified file already exists |
10019 |
stErrorEndOfFile |
End of file |
10020 |
stErrorDeviceNotFound |
The specified device could not be found |
10021 |
stErrorDirectoryNotFound |
The specified directory could not be found |
10022 |
stErrorInvalidBuffer |
Invalid memory address passed to function |
10024 |
stErrorNoHandles |
No more handles available to this process |
10035 |
stErrorOperationWouldBlock |
The specified operation would block the current thread |
10036 |
stErrorOperationInProgress |
A blocking operation is currently in progress |
10037 |
stErrorAlreadyInProgress |
The specified operation is already in progress |
10038 |
stErrorInvalidHandle |
Invalid handle passed to function |
10039 |
stErrorInvalidAddress |
Invalid network address specified |
10040 |
stErrorInvalidSize |
Datagram is too large to fit in specified buffer |
10041 |
stErrorInvalidProtocol |
Invalid network protocol specified |
10042 |
stErrorProtocolNotAvailable |
The specified network protocol is not available |
10043 |
stErrorProtocolNotSupported |
The specified protocol is not supported |
10044 |
stErrorSocketNotSupported |
The specified socket type is not supported |
10045 |
stErrorInvalidOption |
The specified option is invalid |
10046 |
stErrorProtocolFamily |
The specified protocol family is not supported |
10047 |
stErrorProtocolAddress |
The specified address is invalid for this protocol family |
10048 |
stErrorAddressInUse |
The specified address is in use by another process |
10049 |
stErrorAddressUnavailable |
The specified address cannot be assigned |
10050 |
stErrorNetworkUnavailable |
The networking subsystem is unavailable |
10051 |
stErrorNetworkUnreachable |
The specified network is unreachable |
10052 |
stErrorNetworkReset |
Network dropped connection on reset |
10053 |
stErrorConnectionAborted |
Connection was aborted due to timeout or other failure |
10054 |
stErrorConnectionReset |
Connection was reset by remote network |
10055 |
stErrorOutOfBuffers |
No buffer space is available |
10056 |
stErrorAlreadyConnected |
Connection already established with remote host |
10057 |
stErrorNotConnected |
No connection established with remote host |
10058 |
stErrorConnectionShutdown |
Unable to send or receive data after connection shutdown |
10060 |
stErrorOperationTimeout |
The specified operation has timed out |
10061 |
stErrorConnectionRefused |
The connection has been refused by the remote host |
10064 |
stErrorHostUnavailable |
The specified host is unavailable |
10065 |
stErrorHostUnreachable |
The specified host is unreachable |
10067 |
stErrorTooManyProcesses |
Too many processes are using the networking subsystem |
10069 |
stErrorTooManyThreads |
Too many threads have been created by the current process |
10070 |
stErrorTooManySessions |
Too many client sessions have been created by the current
process |
10082 |
stErrorInternalFailure |
An unexpected internal error has occurred |
10091 |
stErrorNetworkNotReady |
Network subsystem is not ready for communication |
10092 |
stErrorInvalidVersion |
This version of the operating system is not supported |
10093 |
stErrorNetworkNotInitialized |
The networking subsystem has not been initialized |
10101 |
stErrorRemoteShutdown |
The remote host has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence |
11001 |
stErrorInvalidHostName |
The specified hostname is invalid or could not be resolved |
11002 |
stErrorHostNameNotFound |
The specified hostname could not be found |
11003 |
stErrorHostNameRefused |
Unable to resolve hostname, request refused |
11004 |
stErrorHostNameNotResolved |
Unable to resolve hostname, no address for specified host |
12001 |
stErrorInvalidLicense |
The license for this product is invalid |
12002 |
stErrorProductNotLicensed |
This product is not licensed to perform this operation |
12003 |
stErrorNotImplemented |
This function has not been implemented on this platform |
12004 |
stErrorUnknownLocalHost |
Unable to determine local host name |
12005 |
stErrorInvalidHostAddress |
Invalid host address specified |
12006 |
stErrorInvalidServicePort |
Invalid service port number specified |
12007 |
stErrorInvalidServiceName |
Invalid or unknown service name specified |
12008 |
stErrorInvalidEventId |
Invalid event identifier specified |
12009 |
stErrorOperationNotBlocking |
No blocking operation in progress on this socket |
12101 |
stErrorSecurityNotInitialized |
Unable to initialize security interface for this process |
12102 |
stErrorSecurityContext |
Unable to establish security context for this session |
12103 |
stErrorSecurityCredentials |
Unable to open client certificate store or establish client
credentials |
12104 |
stErrorSecurityCertificate |
Unable to validate the certificate chain for this session |
12105 |
stErrorSecurityDecryption |
Unable to decrypt data stream |
12106 |
stErrorSecurityEncryption |
Unable to encrypt data stream |
12201 |
stErrorOperationNotSupported |
The specified operation is not supported |
12202 |
stErrorInvalidProtocolVersion |
Invalid application protocol version specified |
12203 |
stErrorNoServerResponse |
No data returned from server |
12204 |
stErrorInvalidServerResponse |
Invalid data returned from server |
12205 |
stErrorUnexpectedServerResponse |
Unexpected response code returned from server |
12206 |
stErrorServerTransactionFailed |
Server transaction failed |
12207 |
stErrorServiceUnavailable |
The service is currently unavailable |
12208 |
stErrorServiceNotReady |
The service is not ready, try again later |
12209 |
stErrorServerResyncFailed |
Unable to resynchronize with server |
12210 |
stErrorInvalidProxyType |
Invalid proxy server type specified |
12211 |
stErrorProxyRequired |
Resource must be accessed through specified proxy |
12212 |
stErrorInvalidProxyLogin |
Unable to login to proxy server using specified
credentials |
12213 |
stErrorProxyResyncFailed |
Unable to resynchronize with proxy server |
12214 |
stErrorInvalidCommand |
Invalid command specified |
12215 |
stErrorInvalidCommandParameter |
Invalid command parameter specified |
12216 |
stErrorInvalidCommandSequence |
Invalid command sequence specified |
12217 |
stErrorCommandNotImplemented |
Specified command not implemented on this server |
12218 |
stErrorCommandNotAuthorized |
Specified command not authorized for the current user |
12219 |
stErrorCommandAborted |
Specified command was aborted by the remote host |
12220 |
stErrorOptionNotSupported |
The specified option is not supported on this server |
12221 |
stErrorRequestNotCompleted |
The current client request has not been completed |
12222 |
stErrorInvalidUsername |
The specified username is invalid |
12223 |
stErrorInvalidPassword |
The specified password is invalid |
12224 |
stErrorInvalidAccount |
The specified account name is invalid |
12225 |
stErrorAccountRequired |
Account name has not been specified |
12226 |
stErrorInvalidAuthenticationType |
Invalid authentication protocol specified |
12227 |
stErrorAuthenticationRequired |
User authentication is required |
12228 |
stErrorProxyAuthenticationRequired |
Proxy authentication required |
12229 |
stErrorAlreadyAuthenticated |
User has already been authenticated |
12230 |
stErrorAuthenticationFailed |
Unable to authenticate the specified user |
12251 |
stErrorNetworkAdapter |
Unable to determine network adapter configuration |
12252 |
stErrorInvalidRecordType |
Invalid record type specified |
12253 |
stErrorInvalidRecordName |
Invalid record name specified |
12254 |
stErrorInvalidRecordData |
Invalid record data specified |
12255 |
stErrorConnectionOpen |
Data connection already established |
12256 |
stErrorConnectionClosed |
Server closed data connection |
12257 |
stErrorConnectionPassive |
Data connection is passive |
12258 |
stErrorConnectionFailed |
Unable to open data connection to server |
12259 |
stErrorInvalidSecurityLevel |
Data connection cannot be opened with this security
setting |
12260 |
stErrorCachedTlsRequired |
Data connection requires cached TLS session |
12261 |
stErrorDataReadOnly |
Data connection is read-only |
12262 |
stErrorDataWriteOnly |
Data connection is write-only |
12263 |
stErrorEndOfData |
End of data |
12264 |
stErrorRemoteFileUnavailable |
Remote file is unavailable |
12265 |
stErrorInsufficientStorage |
Insufficient storage on server |
12266 |
stErrorStorageAllocation |
File exceeded storage allocation on server |
12267 |
stErrorDirectoryExists |
The specified directory already exists |
12268 |
stErrorDirectoryEmpty |
No files returned by the server for the specified
directory |
12269 |
stErrorEndOfDirectory |
End of directory listing |
12270 |
stErrorUnknownDirectoryFormat |
Unknown directory format |
12271 |
stErrorInvalidResource |
Invalid resource name specified |
12272 |
stErrorResourceRedirected |
The specified resource has been redirected |
12273 |
stErrorResourceRestricted |
Access to this resource has been restricted |
12274 |
stErrorResourceNotModified |
The specified resource has not been modified |
12275 |
stErrorResourceNotFound |
The specified resource cannot be found |
12276 |
stErrorResourceConflict |
Request could not be completed due to the current state of the
resource |
12277 |
stErrorResourceRemoved |
The specified resource has been permanently removed from this
server |
12278 |
stErrorContentLengthRequired |
Request must include the content length |
12279 |
stErrorRequestPrecondition |
Request could not be completed due to server precondition |
12280 |
stErrorUnsupportedMediaType |
Request specified an unsupported media type |
12281 |
stErrorInvalidContentRange |
Content range specified for this resource is invalid |
12282 |
stErrorInvalidMessagePart |
Message is not multipart or an invalid message part was
specified |
12283 |
stErrorInvalidMessageHeader |
The specified message header is invalid or has not been
defined |
12284 |
stErrorInvalidMessageBoundary |
The multipart message boundary has not been defined |
12285 |
stErrorNoFileAttachment |
The current message part does not contain a file
attachment |
12286 |
stErrorUnknownFileType |
The specified file type could not be determined |
12287 |
stErrorDataNotEncoded |
The specified data block could not be encoded |
12288 |
stErrorDataNotDecoded |
The specified data block could not be decoded |
12289 |
stErrorFileNotEncoded |
The specified file could not be encoded |
12290 |
stErrorFileNotDecoded |
The specified file could not be decoded |
12291 |
stErrorNoMessageText |
No message text |
12292 |
stErrorInvalidCharacterSet |
Invalid character set specified |
12293 |
stErrorInvalidEncodingType |
Invalid encoding type specified |
12294 |
stErrorInvalidMessageNumber |
Invalid message number specified |
12295 |
stErrorNoReturnAddress |
No valid return address specified |
12296 |
stErrorNoValidRecipients |
No valid recipients specified |
12297 |
stErrorInvalidRecipient |
The specified recipient address is invalid |
12298 |
stErrorRelayNotAuthorized |
The specified domain is invalid or server will not relay
messages |
12299 |
stErrorMailboxUnavailable |
Specified mailbox is currently unavailable |
12300 |
stErrorMailboxReadonly |
The selected mailbox cannot be modified |
12301 |
stErrorMailboxNotSelected |
No mailbox has been selected |
12302 |
stErrorInvalidMailbox |
Specified mailbox is invalid |
12303 |
stErrorInvalidDomain |
The specified domain name is invalid or not recognized |
12304 |
stErrorInvalidSender |
The specified sender address is invalid or not recognized |
12305 |
stErrorMessageNotDelivered |
Message not delivered to any of the specified recipients |
12306 |
stErrorEndOfMessageData |
No more message data available to be read |
12307 |
stErrorInvalidMessageSize |
The specified message size is invalid |
12308 |
stErrorMessageNotCreated |
The message could not be created in the specified mailbox |
12309 |
stErrorNoMoreMailboxes |
No more mailboxes exist on this server |
12310 |
stErrorInvalidEmulationType |
The specified terminal emulation type is invalid |
12311 |
stErrorInvalidFontHandle |
The specified font handle is invalid |
12312 |
stErrorInvalidFontName |
The specified font name is invalid or unavailable |
12313 |
stErrorInvalidPacketSize |
The specified packet size is invalid |
12314 |
stErrorInvalidPacketData |
The specified packet data is invalid |
12315 |
stErrorInvalidPacketId |
The unique packet identifier is invalid |
12316 |
stErrorPacketTtlExpired |
The specified packet time-to-live period has expired |
12317 |
stErrorInvalidNewsgroup |
Invalid newsgroup specified |
12318 |
stErrorNoNewsgroupSelected |
No newsgroup selected |
12319 |
stErrorEmptyNewsgroup |
No articles in specified newsgroup |
12320 |
stErrorInvalidArticle |
Invalid article number specified |
12321 |
stErrorNoArticleSelected |
No article selected in the current newsgroup |
12322 |
stErrorFirstArticle |
First article in current newsgroup |
12323 |
stErrorLastArticle |
Last article in current newsgroup |
12324 |
stErrorArticleExists |
Unable to transfer article, article already exists |
12325 |
stErrorArticleRejected |
Unable to transfer article, article rejected |
12326 |
stErrorArticleTransferFailed |
Article transfer failed |
12327 |
stErrorArticlePostingDenied |
Posting is not permitted on this server |
12328 |
stErrorArticlePostingFailed |
Posting is not permitted on this server |
12329 |
stErrorInvalidDateFormat |
The specified date format is not recognized |
12330 |
stErrorFeatureNotSupported |
The specified feature is not supported on this server |
12331 |
stErrorInvalidFormHandle |
The specified form handle is invalid or a form has not been
created |
12332 |
stErrorInvalidFormAction |
The specified form action is invalid or has not been
specified |
12333 |
stErrorInvalidFormMethod |
The specified form method is invalid or not supported |
12334 |
stErrorInvalidFormType |
The specified form type is invalid or not supported |
12335 |
stErrorInvalidFormField |
The specified form field name is invalid or does not exist |
12336 |
stErrorEmptyForm |
The specified form does not contain any field values |
12337 |
stErrorMaximumConnections |
The maximum number of client connections exceeded |
12338 |
stErrorThreadCreationFailed |
Unable to create a new thread for the current process |
12339 |
stErrorInvalidThreadHandle |
The specified thread handle is no longer valid |
12340 |
stErrorThreadTerminated |
The specified thread has been terminated |
12341 |
stErrorThreadDeadlock |
The operation would result in the current thread becoming
deadlocked |
12342 |
stErrorInvalidClientMoniker |
The specified moniker is not associated with any client session |
12343 |
stErrorClientMonikerExists |
The specified moniker has been assigned to another client
session |
12344 |
stErrorServerInactive |
The specified server is not listening for client connections |
12345 |
stErrorServerSuspended |
The specified server is suspended and not accepting client
connections |
12346 |
stErrorNoMessageStore |
No message store has been specified |
12347 |
stErrorMessageStoreChanged |
The message store has changed since it was last accessed |
12348 |
stErrorMessageNotFound |
No message was found that matches the specified criteria |
12349 |
stErrorMessageDeleted |
The specified message has been deleted |
12350 |
stErrorFileChecksumMismatch |
The specified file checksums do not match |
12351 |
stErrorFileSizeMismatch |
The specified file sizes do not match |
12352 |
stErrorInvalidFeedUrl |
The news feed URL is invalid or specifies an unsupported
protocol |
12353 |
stErrorInvalidFeedFormat |
The internal format of the news feed is invalid |
12354 |
stErrorInvalidFeedVersion |
This version of the news feed is not supported |
12355 |
stErrorChannelEmpty |
There are no valid items found in this news feed |
12356 |
stErrorInvalidItemNumber |
The specified channel item identifier is invalid |
12357 |
stErrorItemNotFound |
The specified channel item could not be found |
12358 |
stErrorItemEmpty |
The specified channel item does not contain any data |
12359 |
stErrorInvalidItemProperty |
The specified item property name is invalid |
12360 |
stErrorItemPropertyNotFound |
The specified item property has not been defined |
12361 |
stErrorInvalidChannelTitle |
The channel title is invalid or has not been defined |
12362 |
stErrorInvalidChannelLink |
The channel hyperlink is invalid or has not been defined |
12363 |
stErrorInvalidChannelDescription |
The channel description is invalid or has not been defined |
12364 |
stErrorInvalidItemText |
The description for an item is invalid or has not been defined |
12365 |
stErrorInvalidItemLink |
The hyperlink for an item is invalid or has not been defined |
12366 |
stErrorInvalidServiceType |
The specified service type is invalid |
12367 |
stErrorServiceSupended |
Access to the specified service has been suspended |
12368 |
stErrorServiceRestricted |
Access to the specified service has been restricted |
12369 |
stErrorInvalidProviderName |
The specified provider name is invalid or unknown |
12370 |
stErrorInvalidPhoneNumber |
The specified phone number is invalid or not supported in this
region |
12371 |
stErrorGatewayNotFound |
A message gateway cannot be found for the specified provider |
12372 |
stErrorMessageTooLong |
The message exceeds the maximum number of characters permitted |
12373 |
stErrorInvalidProviderData |
The request returned invalid or incomplete service provider data |
12374 |
stErrorInvalidGatewayData |
The request returned invalid or incomplete message gateway data |
12375 |
stErrorMultipleProviders |
The request has returned multiple service providers |
12376 |
stErrorProviderNotFound |
The specified service provider could not be found |
12377 |
stErrorInvalidMessageService |
The specified message is not supported with this service type |
12378 |
stErrorInvalidMessageFormat |
The specified message format is invalid |
12379 |
stErrorInvalidConfiguration |
The specified configuration options are invalid |
12380 |
stErrorServerActive |
The requested action is not permitted while the server is active |
12381 |
stErrorServerPortBound |
Unable to obtain exclusive use of the specified local port |
12382 |
stErrorInvalidClientSession |
The specified client identifier is invalid for this session |
12383 |
stErrorClientNotIdentified |
The specified client has not provided user credentials |
12384 |
stErrorInvalidClientState |
The requested action cannot be performed at this time |
12385 |
stErrorInvalidResultCode |
The specified result code is not valid for this protocol |
12386 |
stErrorCommandRequired |
The specified command is required and cannot be disabled |
12387 |
stErrorCommandDisabled |
The specified command has been disabled |
12388 |
stErrorCommandSequence |
The command cannot be processed at this time |
12389 |
stErrorCommandCompleted |
The previous command has completed |
12390 |
stErrorInvalidProgramName |
The specified program name is invalid or unrecognized |
12391 |
stErrorInvalidRequestHeader |
The request header contains one or more invalid values |
12392 |
stErrorInvalidVirtualHost |
The specified virtual host name is invalid |
12393 |
stErrorVirtualHostNotFound |
The specified virtual host does not exist |
12394 |
stErrorTooManyVirtualHosts |
Too many virtual hosts created for this server |
12395 |
stErrorInvalidVirtualPath |
The specified virtual path name is invalid |
12396 |
stErrorVirtualPathNotFound |
The specified virtual path does not exist |
12397 |
stErrorTooManyVirtualPaths |
Too many virtual paths created for this server |
12398 |
stErrorInvalidTask |
The asynchronous task identifier is invalid |
12399 |
stErrorTaskFinished |
The asynchronous task has not finished |
12400 |
stErrorTaskQueued |
The asynchronous task has been queued |
12401 |
stErrorTaskSuspended |
The asynchronous task has been suspended |
12402 |
stErrorTaskFinished |
The asynchronous task has finished |
12403 |
stErrorInvalidAccountUuid |
The application account identifier is invalid |
12404 |
stErrorInvalidAccountId |
The product identifier identifier is invalid |
12405 |
stErrorInvalidProductId |
12406 |
stErrorInvalidSerialNumber |
The product serial number is invalid |
12407 |
stErrorInvalidAppId |
The application identifier is invalid |
12408 |
stErrorInvalidApiKey |
The application key is invalid |
12409 |
stErrorAccountExists |
The application account identifier already exists |
12410 |
stErrorAccountNotCreated |
The application account identifier was not created |
12411 |
stErrorAccountNotFound |
The application account identifier was not found |
12412 |
stErrorAccountNotExpired |
Access to this account has not expired |
12413 |
stErrorAccountNotUpdated |
The application account could not be updated |
12414 |
stErrorAccountExpired |
Access to this account has expired |
12415 |
stErrorAccountRevoked |
Access to this account has been revoked |
12416 |
stErrorApiKeyNotCreated |
The application key could not be created |
12417 |
stErrorApiKeyNotFound |
The application key could not be found |
12418 |
stErrorApiKeyNotExpired |
The application key has not expired |
12419 |
stErrorApiKeyNotUnique |
The application key identifier is not unique |
12420 |
stErrorApiKeyNotUpdated |
The application key could not be updated |
12421 |
stErrorApiKeyNotDeleted |
The application key could not be deleted |
12422 |
stErrorApiKeyExists |
The application key already exists |
12423 |
stErrorApiKeyExpired |
The application key has expired and must be refreshed |
12424 |
stErrorApiKeyRevoked |
12425 |
stErrorApiKeyAppId |
The application key has been revoked |
12426 |
stErrorInvalidToken |
The application was not found or was not specified |
12427 |
stErrorTokenNotCreated |
The access token could not be created |
12428 |
stErrorTokenNotFound |
The access token could not be found |
12429 |
stErrorTokenNotExpired |
The access token has not expired |
12430 |
stErrorTokenNotUpdated |
The access token was not updated |
12431 |
stErrorTokenNotDeleted |
The access token could not be deleted |
12432 |
stErrorTokenExpired |
The access token has expired and must be refreshed |
12433 |
stErrorTokenRevoked |
The access token has been revoked |
12434 |
stErrorNoApiKeysFound |
No application keys found for this account |
12435 |
stErrorNoTokensFound |
No access tokens found for this application key |
12436 |
stErrorNoTokensRevoked |
No access tokens have been revoked |
12437 |
stErrorInvalidStorageObject |
Invalid storage object identifier |
12438 |
stErrorStorageObjectReadOnly |
The storage object is read-only |
12439 |
stErrorStorageObjectExpired |
Access to the storage object has expired |
12440 |
stErrorStorageObjectSize |
The storage object size exceeds storage limits |
12441 |
stErrorStorageObjectDigest |
The storage object digest is invalid or cannot be computed |
12442 |
stErrorStorageObjectExists |
A storage object with this label already exists |
12443 |
stErrorStorageObjectModified |
A storage object with this label has been modified |
12444 |
stErrorStorageObjectNotOwner |
The current user is not the storage object owner |
12445 |
stErrorStorageObjectNotFound |
The specified storage object does not exist |
12446 |
stErrorStorageObjectNotCreated |
The storage object was not created |
12447 |
stErrorStorageObjectNotModified |
The storage object was not modified |
12448 |
stErrorStorageObjectNotRenamed |
The storage object was not renamed |
12449 |
stErrorStorageFolderEmpty |
The storage folder does not contain any objects |
12450 |
stErrorStorageAccountQuota |
The storage account has exceeded its quota |
12451 |
stErrorStorageAccountLimit |
The storage account has exceeded its object limit |
12452 |
stErrorInvalidStorageType |
The specified storage type is invalid |
12453 |
stErrorInvalidStorageProvider |
The specified storage provider is not available |
12454 |
stErrorInvalidStorageRegion |
The specified storage region is not available |
12455 |
stErrorInvalidStorageContainer |
The storage container does not exist or cannot be accessed |
12456 |
stErrorInvalidStorageLabel |
The storage object label is invalid or undefined |
12457 |
stErrorInvalidQueueHandle |
The specified queue handle is invalid or the queue has been deleted |
12458 |
stErrorInvalidQueueFile |
The specified file identifier is not valid for this queue |
12459 |
stErrorQueueRunning |
The operation cannot be performed while the queue is running |
12460 |
stErrorQueueStopped |
The operation cannot be performed when the queue has stopped |
12461 |
stErrorQueueEmpty |
There are no files in the specified queue |
12462 |
stErrorQueuePaused |
The operation cannot be performed while the queue is paused |
12463 |
stErrorQueueLocked |
The operation cannot be performed while the queue is locked |
12464 |
stErrorFileNotQueued |
The specified file cannot be found in the queue |
12465 |
stErrorEndOfQueue |
There are no more files in the specified queue |
12466 |
stErrorTooManyFiles |
The maximum number of files have been queued for transfer |
12467 |
stErrorNoQueuedTransfer |
No queued file transfer is currently in progress |
12468 |
stErrorIvalidX509Certificate |
The specified X.509 format certificate is invalid |
12469 |
stErrorInvalidPKCS12Certificiate |
The specified PKCS 12 format certificate is invalid |
12470 |
stErrorInvalidCipherSuite |
The specified cipher suite is invalid or unavailable |
12471 |
stErrorDeprecatedCipherSuite |
The specified cipher suite is insecure and has been deprecated |
12472 |
stErrorInvalidCertificateChain |
The certificate chain could not be validated |
12473 |
stErrorInvalidPrivateKey |
The private key for the certificate is invalid |
12474 |
stErrorInvalidApiSession |
The application session identifier is invalid |
12475 |
stErrorExpiredApiSession |
The application session identifier has expired |
12476 |
stErrorInvalidApiToken |
The application token for this session is invalid |
12477 |
stErrorExpiredApiToken |
The application token for this session has expired |
12478 |
stErrorInvalidApiAuthId |
The authorization token for this session is invalid |
12479 |
stErrorInvalidApiEndpoint |
The endpoint for the specified request is invalid |
12480 |
stErrorInvalidApiPayload |
The data submitted with the specified request is invalid |
12481 |
stErrorUnknownSessionOwner |
The current session owner is unknown or no longer valid |
12482 |
stErrorRevokedSessionAuth |
The authorization token for this session has been revoked |
12483 |
stErrorInvalidUrlScheme |
The scheme for the specified URL is invalid or not supported |
12484 |
stErrorInvalidUrlHost |
The host name for the specified URL is invalid |
12485 |
stErrorInvalidUrlPort |
The port number for the specified URL is invalid |
12486 |
stErrorInvalidUrlPath |
The resource path for the specified URL is invalid |
12487 |
stErrorInvalidContentType |
The content type is invalid or not supported |
12488 |
stErrorUnknownContentType |
The content type cannot be determined |
12489 |
stErrorInvalidCharset |
The specified character set is invalid or not supported |
12490 |
stErrorInvalidCodePage |
The specified ANSI code page is invalid or not supported |
12491 |
stErrorInvalidHeaderType |
The specified header type is invalid or not supported |
12492 |
stErrorInvalidHeaderName |
The specified header name is invalid or not permitted |
12493 |
stErrorInvalidHeaderValue |
The specified header value is invalid or not permitted |
12494 |
stErrorHeaderNotFound |
The specified header value is undefined |
12495 |
stErrorInvalidDigestType |
The specified message digest type is invalid |
12496 |
stErrorInvalidDigestValue |
The specified message digest value is invalid |
12497 |
stErrorFileDigestMismatch |
The message digest does not match the specified file |
12498 |
stErrorFileContentMismatch |
The contents of the specified files are not identical |
12499 |
stErrorFileTimeMismatch |
The timestamps for the specified files are not identical |