GetFile Method  

Copy a file from the server to the local system.


object.GetFile( LocalFile, RemoteFile, [Options], [Offset] )


A string that specifies the file on the local system that will be created, overwritten or appended to. The file pathing and name conventions must be that of the local host.
A string that specifies the file on the server that will be transferred to the local system. The file pathing and name conventions must be that of the server.
A numeric bitmask which specifies one or more options. This argument may be any one of the following values:
Value Description
ftpTransferDefault This option specifies the default transfer mode should be used. If the local file exists, it will be overwritten with the contents of the remote file. If the Options argument is omitted, this is the transfer mode which will be used.
ftpTransferAppend This option specifies that if the local file exists, the contents of file on the server is appended to the local file. If the local file does not exist, it is created.
A byte offset which specifies where the file transfer should begin. The default value of zero specifies that the file transfer should start at the beginning of the file. A value greater than zero is typically used to restart a transfer that has not completed successfully. Note that specifying a non-zero offset requires that the server support the REST command to restart transfers.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The GetFile method copies an existing file from the server to the local system. This method will cause the current thread to block until the file transfer completes, a timeout occurs or the transfer is canceled. During the transfer, the OnProgress event will fire periodically, enabling the application to update any user interface objects such as a progress bar.

See Also

BufferSize Property, Priority Property, GetData Method, GetMultipleFiles Method, PutData Method, PutFile Method, VerifyFile Method, OnGetFile Event, OnProgress Event