ReadDirectory Method  

Read a directory entry from the server.


object.ReadDirectory( FileName, [FileLength], [FileDate], [FileOwner], [FileGroup], [FilePerms], [IsDirectory] )


A string which will specify the name of the file that status information will be returned for.
An optional numeric argument which will specify the size of the file on the server. Note that if this is a text file, the file size may be different on the server than it is on the local system. This is because different operating systems use different conventions that indicate the end of a line and/or the end of the file. On MS-DOS and Windows platforms, directories have a file size of zero bytes. This parameter must be passed by reference.
An optional string argument which will specify the date and time the file was created or last modified on the server. The date format that is returned is expressed in local time (in other words, the timezone of the server is not taken into account) and depends on both the local host settings via the Control Panel and the format of the date and time information returned by the server. This parameter must be passed by reference.
An optional string argument which will specify the owner of the file on the server. On some platforms, this information may not be available for security reasons if an anonymous login session was specified. This parameter must be passed by reference.
An optional string argument which will specify the group that the file owner belongs to. On some platforms, this information may not be available for security reasons if an anonymous login session was specified. This parameter must be passed by reference.
An optional numeric argument which will specify the permissions assigned to the file. This value is actually a combination of one or more bit flags that specify the individual permissions for the file owner, group and world (all other users). This parameter must be passed by reference. The permissions are as follows:
Value Description
ftpPermWorldExecute All users have permission to execute the contents of the file. If this permission is set for a directory, this may also grant all users the right to open that directory and search for files in that directory.
ftpPermWorldWrite All users have permission to open the file for writing. This permission grants any user the right to replace the file. If this permission is set for a directory, this grants any user the right to create and delete files.
ftpPermWorldRead All users have permission to open the file for reading. This permission grants any user the right to download the file to the local system.
ftpPermGroupExecute Users in the specified group have permission to execute the contents of the file. If this permission is set for a directory, this may also grant the user the right to open that directory and search for files in that directory.
ftpPermGroupWrite Users in the specified group have permission to open the file for writing. On some platforms, this may also imply permission to delete the file. If the current user is in the same group as the file owner, this grants the user the right to replace the file. If this permission is set for a directory, this grants the user the right to create and delete files.
ftpPermGroupRead Users in the specified group have permission to open the file for reading. If the current user is in the same group as the file owner, this grants the user the right to download the file.
ftpPermOwnerExecute The owner has permission to execute the contents of the file. The file is typically either a binary executable, script or batch file. If this permission is set for a directory, this may also grant the user the right to open that directory and search for files in that directory.
ftpPermOwnerWrite The owner has permission to open the file for writing. If the current user is the owner of the file, this grants the user the right to replace the file. If this permission is set for a directory, this grants the user the right to create and delete files.
ftpPermOwnerRead The owner has permission to open the file for reading. If the current user is the owner of the file, this grants the user the right to download the file to the local system.
ftpPermSymbolicLink The file is a symbolic link to another file. Symbolic links are special types of files found on UNIX based systems which are similar to Windows shortcuts.

For the proprietary Sterling directory formats, the status code is returned in the FilePerms argument. This value is a combination of bits. Bits 0-25 correspond to letters of the alphabet, most of which have distinct meanings in the Sterling formats.

Letter code Bit position Hexadecimal value
A 1h
B 2h
C 4h
n-th letter of alphabet n-1 2 to the (n-1) power
Z 2000000h

For the proprietary Sterling directory formats, bits 26-31 represent the transfer protocol associated with the file:

Protocol Bit position Hexadecimal value Value
TCP 4000000h ftpSterlingStatusTcp
FTP 8000000h ftpSterlingStatusFtp
BSC 10000000h ftpSterlingStatusBsc
ASC 20000000h ftpSterlingStatusAsc
FTS 40000000h ftpSterlingStatusFts
other 80000000h ftpSterlingStatusOther
An optional boolean value which will specify if the file is a directory or a regular file. This parameter must be passed by reference.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The ReadDirectory method reads the next entry from the directory listing. This method can only be used after the OpenDirectory method has been called to begin the transfer of file information to the client.

See Also

CloseDirectory Method, OpenDirectory Method