Hypertext Transfer Protocol  

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the most prevalent application protocol used on the Internet today. It was originally used for document retrieval, and has grown into a complex protocol which supports file uploading, script execution, file management and distributed web authoring through extensions such as WebDAV. The SocketTools Hypertext Transfer Protocol control implements version 0.9, 1.0 and 1.1 of the protocol, including features such as support for proxy servers, persistent connections, user-defined header fields and chunked data.

File Transfers
Similar to the interface used with the File Transfer Protocol control, you can use HTTP to upload and download files. In addition to the standard method for downloading files, the control supports two methods for uploading files, using either the PUT or the POST command. When downloading a file from the server, you can either store the contents in a local file, or you can copy the data into a memory buffer that you allocate. Similarly, when uploading files, you can either specify a local file to upload, or you can provide a memory buffer that contains the file data to send to the server. High level methods such as PutFile and GetFile can be used to transfer files in a single method call. There are also methods such as OpenFile and CreateFile which provide lower level file I/O interfaces.

Script Execution
Another common use for HTTP is to execute scripts on the web server. The application can pass additional data to the script, which is similar in concept to how arguments are passed to a command that is entered from the command prompt. This uses the standard POST command, and the resulting output from the script is returned back to the application where it can be displayed or processed. An application can use the Command method to execute the script and then process the output in code, or can use the higher level method PostData which will execute the script and return the output from that script in a single method call.

Uniform Resource Locators
Anyone who has used a web browser is familiar with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL); it is the value that is entered as the address of a website. URLs have a specific format which provides information about the server, the port number and the name of the resource that is being accessed:

http://[username : [password] @] hostname [:port] / resource [? parameters ]

The first part of the URL identifies the protocol, also known as the scheme, which will be used. With web servers, this will be either http or https for secure connections. If a username and password is required for authentication, then this will be included in the URL before the name of the server. Next, there is the name of the server to connect to, optionally followed by a port number. If no port number is given, then the default port for the protocol will be used. This is followed by the resource, which is usually a path to a file or script on the server. Parameters to the resource may also be specified, called the query string, which are typically used as arguments to a script that is executed on the server.

Understanding how a URL is constructed will help in understanding how the different methods in the control work together. For example, the server name and port number portion of the URL are the values passed to the Connect method to establish the connection. The user name and password values are assigned to the UserName and Password properties to authenticate the client session. And the resource name is passed to the GetData or GetFile methods to transfer it to the local system.

The following properties, methods and events are available for use by your application:

Initialize the control and validate the runtime license key for the current process. This method is normally not used if the control is placed on a form in languages such as Visual Basic. However, if the control is being created dynamically using a function similar to CreateObject, then the application must call this method to initialize the component before setting any properties or calling any other methods in the control.

Establish a connection to the server. Once the connection has been established, the other methods in the control may be used to access the resources on the server.

Disconnect from the server and release any resources that have been allocated for the client session. After this method is called, the client session is no longer valid.

Unload the Windows Sockets library and release any resources that have been allocated for the current process. This is the last method call that the application should make prior to terminating. This is only necessary if the application has previously called the Initialize method.

File Transfers

Using an interface similar to the File Transfer Protocol control, this control provides several methods which can be used to transfer files between the local and server. This group of methods is high level, meaning that it is not necessary to actually write the code to read and/or write the file data. The control automatically handles the lower level file I/O and notifies your application of the status of the transfer by periodically generating progress events.

This method transfers a file from the server to the local system, storing the file data in memory. This can be useful if your application needs to perform some operation based on the contents of the file, but does not need to store the file locally.

This method transfers a file from the server and stores it in a file on the local system.

This method creates a file on the server containing the data that you provide. This can be useful if your application wants to upload dynamically created content without having to create a temporary file on the local system.

This method uploads a file from the local system to the server using the PUT command. Not all servers support this command, and some may require that the client authenticate prior to calling this method.

This method uploads a file from the local system to the server using the POST command. This enables your application to upload a file in the same way that a user would when using a form in a web browser.

File Management

The control can also perform some basic file management methods as well as send custom commands to the server. Some web servers also provide more advanced document management methods using WebDAV, an extension to HTTP for distributed document authoring.

Return the size of a file on the server without actually downloading the contents of the file. It is important to note that most servers will only return file size information for actual documents stored on the server, not for dynamically created content generated by scripts or web pages which use server-side includes.

Return the modification time for the specified file on the server. This can be used by your application to determine if the file has been changed since the time that you last uploaded or downloaded the contents.

Remove a file from the server. This operation requires that the current user have the appropriate permissions to delete the file. Not all servers support the use of this command, and it would typically require that the client authenticate prior to calling this method.

This method enables the client to send any command directly to the server. This is commonly used to issue custom commands to servers that are configured to use extensions to the standard protocol.

Script Execution

The control also provides methods to execute scripts on the web server and return the output from those scripts back to your application. Your program can pass additional data to the script, typically either as a query string or as form data, which is similar in concept to how arguments are passed to a command that is entered from the command prompt.

In addition to being used to simply return the contents of a file, this method can also be used to execute a script on the server and return the output of that script to your program. Arguments to the script can be specified by passing them as a query string. For example, consider the following resource name:


This would specify that the script /cgi-bin/test.cgi is to be executed, and two arguments will be passed to that script: data1=value and data2=value2. The ampersand is used to separate the arguments, and they are grouped as pairs of values separated by an equal sign. Note that the actual format and value of the query string depends on how the script is written.

An alternative method of providing information to a script is to post data to the script. Instead of the data being part of the resource name itself, posted data is sent separately and is provided as input to the script. This is the same method that is typically used when a user clicks the Submit button on a web-based form. This method requires the name of the script and the address of a buffer that contains the data that will be posted. The resulting output from the script is returned to the caller in the same way that the GetData method works.