The PutText method is used to submit the contents of a
string to the server using the PUT command. Although a String variable may contain binary data, this method
should only be used with strings which contain printable text. Always use the
PutData method if you wish to
submit binary data, using a Byte array instead of a String variable.
Not all servers will accept data submitted using this method,
and some may require that specific configuration changes be made to
the server in order to support the PUT command. Consult your server's technical reference
documentation to see if it supports the PUT command, and if so, what
must be done to enable it. It may be required that the client
authenticate itself by setting the UserName and
Password properties prior to uploading the data
The text submitted to the server is automatically converted from
Unicode using the code page specified by the CodePage property.
By default, text will be automatically converted to use UTF-8
encoding, however you can change this if you prefer to send the data
using a different localized encoding. In most cases it is recommended
you use UTF-8 to ensure the broadest compatibility with other
This method will cause the current thread to block until the file
transfer completes, a timeout occurs or the transfer is canceled.
During the transfer, the OnProgress event will fire
periodically, enabling the application to update any user interface
objects such as a progress bar.