State Property  

Return the current state of the control.

This property has been deprecated and may not be included in future versions of the control.




The State read-only property returns the state of the control. This property should be checked on blocking controls to determine if the control is in use before taking some action. The possible values returned by this property are:

Value Constant Description
0 httpStatusUnused No connection has been established
1 httpStatusIdle The client is current idle and not sending or receiving data
2 httpStatusConnect The client is establishing a connection with the server
3 httpStatusRead The client is reading data from the server
4 httpStatusWrite The client is writing data to the server
5 httpStatusDisconnect The client is disconnecting from the server
6 httpStatusGetData The client is retrieving a resource from the server
7 httpStatusPutData The client is storing data in a file on the server
8 httpStatusPostData The client is submitting data to a script executing on the server

Data Type

Integer (Int32)

See Also

IsConnected Property, IsReadable Property, IsWritable Property, Connect Method, Disconnect Method, GetData Method, GetFile Method, PostData Method, PutData Method, PutFile Method