AttachData Method  

Attach the contents of a buffer to the current message.


object.AttachData( Buffer, [Length], [ContentName], [ContentType], [Options] )


A string or byte array which specifies the data to be attached to the message. If an empty string is passed as the argument, no data is attached, but an additional empty message part will be created.
An integer value which specifies the number of bytes of data in the buffer. If this value is omitted, the entire length of of the string or size of the byte array is used.
An optional string argument which specifies a name for the data being attached to the message. This typically is used as a file name by the mail client to store the data in. If this parameter is omitted or passed as an empty string then no name is defined and the data is attached as inline content. Note that if a file name is specified with a path, only the base name will be used.
An optional string argument which specifies the type of data being attached. The value must be a valid MIME content type. If this parameter is omitted or passed as an empty string, then the buffer will be examined to determine what kind of data it contains. If there is only text characters, then the content type will be specified as "text/plain". If the buffer contains binary data, then the content type will be specified as "application/octet-stream", which is appropriate for any type of data.
An optional integer value which specifies one or more options. This parameter is constructed by using a bitwise operator with any of the following values:
Value Description
mailAttachDefault The data encoding is based on the content type. Text data is not encoded, and binary data is encoded using the standard base64 encoding algorithm. If this argument is omitted, this is the default value used.
mailAttachBase64 The data is always encoded using the standard base64 algorithm, even if the buffer only contains printable text characters.
mailAttachUucode The data is always encoded using the uuencode algorithm, even if the buffer only contains printable text characters.
mailAttachQuoted The data is always encoded using the quoted-printable algorithm. This encoding should only be used if the data contains 8-bit text characters.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the method succeeds. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The AttachData method attaches the contents of a string or byte buffer to the current message.


The following example demonstrates how to use the AttachData method in Visual Basic:

Dim hFile As Integer
Dim lpBuffer() As Byte
Dim cbBuffer As Long

' Open a file for binary access and read it into a
' byte array that will be attached to the message

hFile = FreeFile()
Open strDataFile For Binary As hFile
cbBuffer = LOF(hFile)
ReDim lpBuffer(cbBuffer)
Get hFile, , lpBuffer
Close hFile

' Compose a new message and then attach the contents
' of the buffer

InternetMail1.ComposeMessage strFrom, _
                             strTo, _
                             strCc, _
                             strSubject, _
InternetMail1.AttachData lpBuffer, cbBuffer, strDataFile

See Also

Attachment Property, AttachFile Method, ExtractFile Method