SendMessage Method  

Send an email message to one or more recipients.


object.SendMessage( [Sender], [Recipient], [Message], [Options] )


 An optional string value that identifies the sender of the message and must be a standard Internet email address. If this argument is omitted, then the address specified by the From property will be used.
An optional string value that specifies one or more recipients of the message. If this argument is omitted, then the addresses listed in the Bcc, Cc and To properties will be combined to determine the recipients of the message.
An optional string value that contains a complete email message. This must be a properly formatted message that conforms to the standards for Internet email. If this argument is omitted, then the current message is sent.
An optional integer value that specifies one or more options for sending the message. If this argument is omitted, the value of the Options property will be used instead. One or more of the following values may be used:
Value Description
mailOptionImplicitSSL This option specifies that an implicit TLS session should be established with the mail server and prevents the use of a command which is used to negotiate an explicit TLS connection.
mailOptionAuthLogin Specifies that the user must be authenticated to the mail server before the message is delivered. This option should only be used if a relay server supports AUTH LOGIN and requires authentication.
&HF0000 mailOptionNotify Notify the sender of the delivery status of the message, if the server supports delivery status notification. This option is a combination of the mailNotifySuccess, mailNotifyFailure, mailNotifyDelay and mailReturnHeaders options.
&H10000 mailNotifySuccess If the mail server supports delivery status notification, this causes a message to be returned to the sender once it has been successfully delivered.
&H20000 mailNotifyFailure If the mail server supports delivery status notification, this causes a message to be returned to the sender if it could not be delivered.
&H40000 mailNotifyDelay If the mail server supports delivery status notification, this causes a message to be returned to the sender if delivery has been delayed.
&H80000 mailReturnHeaders If the mail server supports delivery status notification, this causes a message to be returned which contains the headers of the message that was sent.
&H100000 mailReturnMessage If the mail server supports delivery status notification, this causes a message to be returned which contains the complete message that was sent.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the method succeeds. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The SendMessage method sends the specified message to one or more recipients. This method can be used in a number of different ways, depending on the arguments specified by the caller.

If the Message parameter is specified, but the sender and recipient properties are omitted, then the message will be parsed and the addresses will be automatically determined by the values of the From, Cc and To header fields. Note that specifying a message argument does not change the current message.

For each recipient listed, either as an argument to the method or in the message itself, the SendMessage method will determine the appropriate mail exchange server and deliver the message to that user. If the RelayServer and RelayPort properties are defined, then all messages will be relayed through that specific server, regardless of the recipient address. Note that the Secure property and related options only affects connections to relay mail servers. See the RelayServer and RelayPort properties for additional information.

If a relay server is being used, it may require authentication before accepting any messages for delivery. To enable authentication, specify the mailOptionAuthLogin option, either as an argument or by setting the Options property. Prior to calling the SendMessage method, the UserName and Password properties should be set to the values that will be used to authenticate the session. If the server does not support authentication, or the user name or password is invalid, an error will be returned. Note that authentication is only performed if a relay server is used, otherwise the option is ignored.

See Also

Bcc Property, Cc Property, From Property, RelayPort Property, RelayServer Property, Secure Property, To Property