Extract the contents of a file attachment and store it on the
local system.
object.ExtractFile( FileName, [MessagePart] )
- FileName
- A string which specifies the name of the file that the
attachment will be written to. If the file does not exist, it will
be created. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
- MessagePart
- An optional integer value that specifies the message part
number that contains the file attachment. If this parameter is
omitted, the method will extract the file attachment in the
current message part.
Return Value
A value of zero is returned if the action was successful.
Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the
cause of the failure.
The ExtractFile method writes the contents of a message
part, typically a file attachment, to a file on the local system.
This method will automatically decode any binary file
attachments. To determine if the current message part contains a file
attachment, check the value of the Attachment property.
See Also
Attachment Property,
AttachData Method,
AttachFile Method,
ExtractAllFiles Method,
FindAttachment Method