Returns the address of a message recipient.
The Recipient property array is used to enumerate the
recipient addresses that have been specified in the current message.
This includes all of the addresses listed in the To, Cc and Bcc
header fields. Only the address itself will be returned, not any
comments or extraneous text such as the full name of the recipient.
This property array is zero based, meaning that the first index value
is zero. The total number of recipients specified in the message can
be determined by checking the value of the Recipients
Data Type
The following example demonstrates how to use the Recipient
property array and the Recipients property:
' Create a comma separated list of all of the recipient email
' addresses currently specified in the message
Dim strRecipients As String
For nIndex = 0 To MailMessage1.Recipients - 1
If Len(strRecipients) > 0 Then strRecipients = strRecipients & ", "
strRecipients = strRecipients & MailMessage1.Recipient(nIndex)
See Also
Bcc Property, Cc
Property, Recipients Property,
To Property,
ParseAddress Method