SecureProtocol Property  

Gets and sets the security protocol used to establish the secure connection with the server.


object.SecureProtocol [= protocol ]


The SecureProtocol property can be used to specify the security protocol to be used when establishing a secure connection with a server. By default, the control will attempt to use TLS 1.2 to establish the connection. If TLS 1.2 is not supported, TLS 1.0 will be used. The appropriate protocol is automatically selected based on the capabilities of both the client and server. It is recommended that you only change this property value if you fully understand the implications of doing so. Assigning a value to this property will override the default and force the control to attempt to use only the protocol specified. One or more of the following values may be used:

Value Constant Description
0 stProtocolNone No security protocol has been selected. A secure connection has not been established.
1 stProtocolSSL2 The SSL 2.0 protocol should be used. This protocol has been deprecated and is no longer widely used. It is not recommended that this protocol be used when establishing secure connections.
2 stProtocolSSL3 The SSL 3.0 protocol should be used. This protocol has been deprecated and is no longer widely used. It is not recommended that this protocol be used when establishing secure connections.
4 stProtocolTLS10 The TLS 1.0 protocol should be used. This version of the protocol is commonly used by older servers and is the only version of TLS supported on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
8 stProtocolTLS11 The TLS 1.1 protocol should be used. This version of TLS is supported on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions of the operating system.
16 stProtocolTLS12 The TLS 1.2 protocol should be used. This is the default version of the protocol and is supported on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions of Windows. It is recommended that you use this version of TLS.
32 stProtocolTLS13 The TLS 1.3 protocol should be used when establishing a secure connection. This is the newest version of the protocol and is only supported on Windows 11, Windows Server 2022 and later versions of Windows. If this protocol version is not supported, TLS 1.2 will be used instead.

Multiple security protocols may be specified by combining them using a bitwise Or operator. After a connection has been established, reading this property will identify the protocol that was selected to establish the connection. Attempting to set this property after a connection has been established will result in an exception being thrown. This property should only be set after setting the Secure property to True and before calling the Connect method.

The TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols are only supported on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions of the platform.

Data Type

Integer (Int32)

See Also

CipherStrength Property, HashStrength Property, Secure Property, SecureCipher Property, SecureHash Property, SecureKeyExchange Property