Value |
Description |
-1 |
rasStatusUnused |
No connection has been established |
rasStatusOpenPort |
The communications port is about to be opened |
rasStatusPortOpened |
The communications port has been opened |
rasStatusConnectDevice |
A device is about to be connected |
rasStatusDeviceConnected |
A device has been connected successfully |
rasStatusAllDevicesConnected |
All devices have been connected |
rasStatusAuthenticate |
Authenticating username and password |
rasStatusAuthNotify |
An authentication event has occurred |
rasStatusAuthRetry |
Requesting authentication with new credentials |
rasStatusAuthCallback |
The server has requested a callback number |
rasStatusAuthChangePassword |
The user has requested to change the password |
rasStatusAuthProject |
Registering computer on the network |
rasStatusAuthLinkSpeed |
The link speed calculation phase is starting |
rasStatusAuthAck |
An authentication request is being acknowledged |
rasStatusReAuthenticate |
Authenticating username and password |
rasStatusAuthenticated |
The user has been authenticated |
rasStatusPrepareForCallback |
The line is about to be disconnected in preparation for
callback |
rasStatusWaitForModemReset |
The modem is resetting itself in preparation for
callback |
rasStatusWaitForCallback |
Waiting for callback from server |
rasStatusProjected |
Protocol specific information has been negotiated |
rasStatusStartAuthentication |
User authentication is being initiated |
rasStatusCallbackComplete |
Callback completed and resuming authentication |
rasStatusLogonNetwork |
Logging on to the network |
rasStatusSubEntryConnected |
A subentry has been connected |
rasStatusSubEntryDisconnected |
A subentry has been disconnected |
rasStatusInteractive |
Initiating interactive login session |
rasStatusRetryAuthentication |
Retrying user authentication |
rasStatusCallbackSetByCaller |
Callback has been set by caller |
rasStatusPasswordExpired |
Password has expired |
rasStatusConnected |
Connected to server |
rasStatusDisconnected |
Disconnected from server |