Connect Method  

Establish a connection with a server.


object.Connect( [RemoteHost], [RemotePort], [UserName], [Password], [Timeout], [Options] )


A string which specifies the host name or IP address of the server. If this argument is not specified, it defaults to the value of the HostAddress property if it is defined. Otherwise, it defaults to the value of the HostName property.
A number which specifies the port to connect to on the server. If this argument is not specified, it defaults to the value of the RemotePort property. A value of zero indicates that the default port number for this service should be used to establish the connection.
A string which specifies the user name which will be used to authenticate the client session. This value must specify a valid user name and cannot be an empty string. If this argument is not specified, it defaults to the value of UserName property.
A string which specifies the password which will be used to authenticate the client session. If the user does not have a password, this value can be an empty string. If this argument is not specified, it defaults to the value of the Password property. If the server requires public/private key authentication, set the PrivateKey property to the name of the file containing the private key prior to calling this method.
The number of seconds that the client will wait for a response before failing the operation. If this argument is not specified, the value of the Timeout property will be used as the default.
A numeric value which specifies one or more options. If this argument is omitted or a value of zero is specified, a default connection will be established. This argument is constructed by using a bitwise operator with any of the following values:
Value Constant Description
0 sshOptionNone No options specified. A standard terminal session will be established with the default terminal type.
1 sshOptionKeepAlive This option specifies the library should attempt to maintain an idle client session for long periods of time. This option is only necessary if you expect that the connection will be held open for more than two hours. This option is the same as setting the KeepAlive property to a value of true.
2 sshOptionNoPTY This option specifies that a pseudoterminal (PTY) should not be created for the client session. This option is automatically set if the Command property specifies a command to be executed on the server.
4 sshOptionNoShell This option specifies that a command shell should not be used when executing a command on the server.
&H40000 sshOptionPreferIPv6 This option specifies the client should prefer the use of IPv6 if the server hostname can be resolved to both an IPv6 and IPv4 address. This option is ignored if the local system does not have IPv6 enabled, or when the hostname can only be resolved to an IPv4 address. If the server hostname can only be resolved to an IPv6 address, the client will attempt to establish a connection using IPv6 regardless if this option has been specified.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the connection was successful. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.

See Also

HostAddress Property, HostName Property, Options Property, Password Property, PrivateKey Property, RemotePort Property, UserName Property, Disconnect Method, OnConnect Event