Value |
Constant |
Description |
10001 |
swErrorNotHandleOwner |
Handle not owned by the current thread |
10002 |
swErrorFileNotFound |
The specified file or directory does not exist |
10003 |
swErrorFileNotCreated |
The specified file could not be created |
10004 |
swErrorOperationCanceled |
The blocking operation has been canceled |
10005 |
swErrorInvalidFileType |
The specified file is a block or character device, not a
regular file |
10006 |
swErrorInvalidDevice |
The specified device or address does not exist |
10007 |
swErrorTooManyParameters |
The maximum number of function parameters has been
exceeded |
10008 |
swErrorInvalidFileName |
The specified file name contains invalid characters or is too
long |
10009 |
swErrorInvalidFileHandle |
Invalid file handle passed to function |
10010 |
swErrorFileReadFailed |
Unable to read data from the specified file |
10011 |
swErrorFileWriteFailed |
Unable to write data to the specified file |
10012 |
swErrorOutOfMemory |
Out of memory |
10013 |
swErrorAccessDenied |
Access denied |
10014 |
swErrorInvalidParameter |
Invalid argument passed to function |
10015 |
swErrorClipboardUnavailable |
The system clipboard is currently unavailable |
10016 |
swErrorClipboardEmpty |
The system clipboard is empty or does not contain any text
data |
10017 |
swErrorFileEmpty |
The specified file does not contain any data |
10018 |
swErrorFileExists |
The specified file already exists |
10019 |
swErrorEndOfFile |
End of file |
10020 |
swErrorDeviceNotFound |
The specified device could not be found |
10021 |
swErrorDirectoryNotFound |
The specified directory could not be found |
10022 |
swErrorInvalidBuffer |
Invalid memory address passed to function |
10024 |
swErrorNoHandles |
No more handles available to this process |
10035 |
swErrorOperationWouldBlock |
The specified operation would block the current thread |
10036 |
swErrorOperationInProgress |
A blocking operation is currently in progress |
10037 |
swErrorAlreadyInProgress |
The specified operation is already in progress |
10038 |
swErrorInvalidHandle |
Invalid handle passed to function |
10039 |
swErrorInvalidAddress |
Invalid network address specified |
10040 |
swErrorInvalidSize |
Datagram is too large to fit in specified buffer |
10041 |
swErrorInvalidProtocol |
Invalid network protocol specified |
10042 |
swErrorProtocolNotAvailable |
The specified network protocol is not available |
10043 |
swErrorProtocolNotSupported |
The specified protocol is not supported |
10044 |
swErrorSocketNotSupported |
The specified socket type is not supported |
10045 |
swErrorInvalidOption |
The specified option is invalid |
10046 |
swErrorProtocolFamily |
The specified protocol family is not supported |
10047 |
swErrorProtocolAddress |
The specified address is invalid for this protocol family |
10048 |
swErrorAddressInUse |
The specified address is in use by another process |
10049 |
swErrorAddressUnavailable |
The specified address cannot be assigned |
10050 |
swErrorNetworkUnavailable |
The networking subsystem is unavailable |
10051 |
swErrorNetworkUnreachable |
The specified network is unreachable |
10052 |
swErrorNetworkReset |
Network dropped connection on reset |
10053 |
swErrorConnectionAborted |
Connection was aborted due to timeout or other failure |
10054 |
swErrorConnectionReset |
Connection was reset by remote network |
10055 |
swErrorOutOfBuffers |
No buffer space is available |
10056 |
swErrorAlreadyConnected |
Connection already established with remote host |
10057 |
swErrorNotConnected |
No connection established with remote host |
10058 |
swErrorConnectionShutdown |
Unable to send or receive data after connection shutdown |
10060 |
swErrorOperationTimeout |
The specified operation has timed out |
10061 |
swErrorConnectionRefused |
The connection has been refused by the remote host |
10064 |
swErrorHostUnavailable |
The specified host is unavailable |
10065 |
swErrorHostUnreachable |
The specified host is unreachable |
10067 |
swErrorTooManyProcesses |
Too many processes are using the networking subsystem |
10091 |
swErrorNetworkNotReady |
Network subsystem is not ready for communication |
10092 |
swErrorInvalidVersion |
This version of the operating system is not supported |
10093 |
swErrorNetworkNotInitialized |
The networking subsystem has not been initialized |
10101 |
swErrorRemoteShutdown |
The remote host has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence |
11001 |
swErrorInvalidHostName |
The specified hostname is invalid or could not be resolved |
11002 |
swErrorHostNameNotFound |
The specified hostname could not be found |
11003 |
swErrorHostNameRefused |
Unable to resolve hostname, request refused |
11004 |
swErrorHostNameNotResolved |
Unable to resolve hostname, no address for specified host |
12001 |
swErrorInvalidLicense |
The license for this product is invalid |
12002 |
swErrorProductNotLicensed |
This product is not licensed to perform this operation |
12003 |
swErrorNotImplemented |
This function has not been implemented on this platform |
12004 |
swErrorUnknownLocalHost |
Unable to determine local host name |
12005 |
swErrorInvalidHostAddress |
Invalid host address specified |
12006 |
swErrorInvalidServicePort |
Invalid service port number specified |
12007 |
swErrorInvalidServiceName |
Invalid or unknown service name specified |
12008 |
swErrorInvalidEventId |
Invalid event identifier specified |
12009 |
swErrorOperationNotBlocking |
No blocking operation in progress on this socket |
12101 |
swErrorSecurityNotInitialized |
Unable to initialize security interface for this process |
12102 |
swErrorSecurityContext |
Unable to establish security context for this session |
12103 |
swErrorSecurityCredentials |
Unable to open client certificate store or establish client
credentials |
12104 |
swErrorSecurityCertificate |
Unable to validate the certificate chain for this session |
12105 |
swErrorSecurityDecryption |
Unable to decrypt data stream |
12106 |
swErrorSecurityEncryption |
Unable to encrypt data stream |
12201 |
swErrorOperationNotSupported |
The specified operation is not supported |
12330 |
swErrorFeatureNotSupported |
The specified feature is not supported |
12337 |
swErrorMaximumConnections |
The maximum number of client connections exceeded |
12338 |
swErrorThreadCreationFailed |
Unable to create a new thread for the current process |
12339 |
swErrorInvalidThreadHandle |
The specified thread handle is no longer valid |
12340 |
swErrorThreadTerminated |
The specified thread has been terminated |
12341 |
swErrorThreadDeadlock |
The operation would result in the current thread becoming
deadlocked |
12342 |
swErrorInvalidClientMoniker |
The specified moniker is not associated with any client
session |
12343 |
swErrorClientMonikerExists |
The specified moniker has been assigned to another client
session |
12344 |
swErrorServerInactive |
The specified server is not listening for client
connections |
12345 |
swErrorServerSuspended |
The specified server is suspended and not accepting client
connections |