The Text property returns the text displayed by the
control. The string that is returned contains each row of text in the
display, terminated with a carriage-return linefeed. Empty cells at
the end of a row are ignored so there are no extraneous spaces in the
text. In other words, the value returned by the Text property
is similar to how text is returned from a multi-line edit control. If
you need to access a character at a specific location in the display,
use the Cell property. If you need to access the text in a
specific part of the display, including any empty cells, then use the
SelStart, SelLength and SelText properties
Setting the Text property will cause the current contents
of the display to be replaced by the contents of the specified
string. If the string contains escape sequences and/or control
characters, they will be processed according to how the
Emulation property is set.