Accept Method  

Accepts a client connection on a listening socket.


object.Accept ( Handle, [Options] )


An integer value that specifies the handle of the listening socket. If the control that invokes this method is not the listening socket, then the listening socket may continue to listen for incoming connections. If the control invokes this method using its own Handle property, it will stop listening for connections.
An optional integer value that specifies one or more options. If this parameter is omitted, the values of the properties listed below will be used to determine the default options when accepting the connection.
Value Property
swOptionNone None
swOptionDontRoute Route = False
swOptionKeepAlive KeepAlive = True
swOptionReuseAddress ReuseAddress = True
swOptionNoDelay NoDelay = True
swOptionInLine InLine = True
&H1000 swOptionSecure Secure = True

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the acceptance was successful. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


To set the Options argument explicitly, set it as a combination of values chosen from the table above. Use the appropriate constant if you wish the attribute corresponding to the property to be True, except for the Route property. Specifying the swOptionDontRoute option is the same as setting the Route property to a value of False.

See Also

Backlog Property, Handle Property, Listen Method, Reject Method, OnAccept Event