ConnectUrl Method  

Establish a connection with a server using a URL.


object.ConnectUrl( [Url], [Timeout], [Options] )


An string value which specifies a URL used when establishing the connection. This parameter cannot be omitted and it cannot be an empty string. If a non-standard URI scheme is used, the port number must be explicitly specified or the method will fail. See the remarks below for more information on the format supported by this method.
An optional integer value that specifies the amount of time until a blocking operation fails. If this parameter is omitted, the Timeout property will be used to determine the default value.
An optional integer value that specifies one or more socket options which are to be used when establishing the connection. The value is created by combining the options using a bitwise Or operator. Note that if this argument is specified, it will override any property values that are related to that option.
Value Description
swOptionKeepAlive This option specifies that packets are to be sent to the remote system when no data is being exchanged to keep the connection active. This is only valid for stream sockets.
&H10 swOptionNoDelay This option disables the Nagle algorithm. By default, small amounts of data written to the socket are buffered, increasing efficiency and reducing network congestion. However, this buffering can negatively impact the responsiveness of certain applications. This option disables this buffering and immediately sends data packets as they are written to the socket.
&H20 swOptionInLine This option specifies that out-of-band data should be received inline with the standard data stream. This option is only valid for stream sockets.
&H800 swOptionTrustedSite This option specifies the server is trusted. The server certificate will not be validated and the connection will always be permitted. This option only affects connections using either the TLS protocol.
&H1000 swOptionSecure This option specifies that a secure connection should be established with the remote host. The specific version of TLS can be specified by setting the SecureProtocol property. By default, the connection will use TLS 1.2 and the strongest cipher suites available.
&H8000 swOptionSecureFallback This option specifies the client should permit the use of less secure cipher suites for compatibility with legacy servers. If this option is specified, the client will allow connections using TLS 1.0 and cipher suites that use RC4, MD5 and SHA1.
&H40000 swOptionPreferIPv6 This option specifies the client should prefer the use of IPv6 if the server hostname can be resolved to both an IPv6 and IPv4 address. This option is ignored if the local system does not have IPv6 enabled, or when the hostname can only be resolved to an IPv4 address. If the server hostname can only be resolved to an IPv6 address, the client will attempt to establish a connection using IPv6 regardless if this option has been specified.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the connection was successful. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The ConnectUrl method provides a simplified interface which can be used to establish a connection using a URL. This method can only be used to establish connections using TCP and does not currently support the use of URLs to connect with a service which uses UDP. The general format of the URL should look like this:

[scheme]:// [[username : password] @] hostname [:port] / [path;parameters ...]

This method recognizes most standard URI schemes which use this format. The host name and port number specified in the URL will be used to establish a connection and the remaining information will be discarded. If the URL does not explicitly specify a port number, the default port number associated with the scheme will be used as the default value. For example, consider the following:

In this example, there is no port number specified; instead, the default port for the https:// scheme would be used, which is port 443. The host name would be resolved into an IP address and the connection established on port 443. This method will also recognize a simpler format which only includes the host name and port number without a URI scheme, such as:

When used in this way, the port number must always be provided. Without a URI scheme or an explicit port number, the method cannot determine what port number should be used when establishing the connection. The same also applies if a custom, non-standard URI scheme is provided which is not recognized.

If the URI scheme specifies a secure protocol which requires implicit TLS, this method will automatically enable security options. For example, providing a URL which uses the https:// scheme will automatically enable a secure connection regardless if the Options parameter includes that option. If a URI scheme is used in conjunction with a port number associated with a secure service, security will also be enabled for that connection. For example:

The standard http:// scheme is used which does not indicate a secure connection. However, since port 443 is the standard port designated for a secure HTTP connection, a secure connection will be enabled by default, even if swOptionSecure has not been specified by the caller. Alternatively, if a custom port number is specified in the URL or the scheme is not recognized as one which requires implicit TLS, security options will not be automatically enabled for the connection.

The host name portion of the URL can be specified as either a domain name or an IP address. Because an IPv6 address can contain colon characters, you must enclose the entire address in bracket [] characters. If this is not done, this method will return an error indicating the port number is invalid. For example, the URL https://[2001:db8:0:0:1::128]/ uses an IPv6 host address and this would be considered valid. Without the brackets, this URL would not be accepted.

Important: The URL provided to this method will only be used to establish a connection with a server. This is a general purpose method which does not enable support for any particular application protocol and all implementation details are the responsibility of your application. If you require higher-level support for a specific Internet protocol, the SocketTools ActiveX Edition provides a comprehensive collection of higher-level controls which can be used to access those services.

If you use the swOptionSecure option to enable a secure connection, the connection will always use implicit TLS. This means a secure session will be initiated immediately after the socket connection has been established with the server. A common example of a service which uses implicit TLS is the HTTPS protocol. Another type of secure connection is one that uses explicit TLS. This is when the client establishes a normal (non-secure) connection with the server and then explicitly switches to using a secure connection, typically by sending a command. If the server you are connecting to requires explicit TLS, you should not specify the  dwOptionSecure option. Instead, connect without this option and then set the Secure property to True when you are ready to initiate the TLS handshake.

See Also

HostName Property, KeepAlive Property, NoDelay Property, Options Property, Secure Property, Timeout Property, Disconnect Method