AddUser Method  

Add a new virtual user to the server.


object.AddUser( UserName, Password, [AccessFlags], [Directory] )


A string which specifies the user name. The maximum length of a username is 63 characters and it is recommended that names be limited to alphanumeric characters. Whitespace, control characters and certain symbols such as path delimiters and wildcard characters are not permitted. If an invalid character is included in the name, the method will fail with an error indicating the username is invalid. The username must be at least three characters in length. Usernames are not case sensitive.
A string which specifies the user password. The maximum length of a password is 63 characters and is limited to printable characters. Whitespace and control characters are not permitted. If an invalid character is included in the password, the method will fail with an error indicating the password is invalid. The password must be at least one character in length. Passwords are case sensitive.
An optional integer value which specifies the access clients will be given when authenticated as this user. This value created from one or more bitflags. For a list of user access permissions, see User Access Constants. If this parameter is omitted, the user is assigned default access permissions based on the server configuration.
An optional string which specifies the directory that will be the virtual user's home directory. If the server was started in multi-user mode, this directory will be relative to the user directory created by the server, otherwise it will be relative to the server root directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created the first time that the virtual user successfully logs in to the server. If this parameter is omitted or is an empty string, a default home directory will be created for the virtual user.

Return Value

A value of zero is returned if the virtual user was created. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure.


The AddUser method creates a virtual user that is associated with the server. When a client connects with the server and provides authentication credentials, the server will check if the username has been created using this method. If a match is found, the client access rights will be updated.

If you wish to modify the information for an existing user, it is not necessary to delete the username first. If this method is called with a username that already exists, that record is replaced with the values passed to this method. You cannot use this method to create a virtual user named "anonymous".

The virtual users created by this method exist only as long as the server is active. If you wish to maintain a persistent database of users and passwords, you are responsible for its implementation based on the requirements of your specific application. For example, a simple implementation would be to store the user information in a local XML or INI file and then read that configuration file after the server has started, calling this method for each user that is listed.

See Also

Authenticate Method, DeleteUser Method, OnAuthenticate Event