Property |
Description |
AdapterAddress |
Returns the IP address associated with the specified network
adapter |
AdapterCount |
Returns the number of available local and remote network
adapters |
AuthFail |
Gets and sets the maximum number of authentication attempts
permitted |
AuthTime |
Gets and sets the amount of time a client has to authenticate
the session |
CertificateName |
Gets and sets the common name for the server certificate |
CertificatePassword |
Gets and sets the password associated with the server certificate |
CertificateStore |
Gets and sets the name of the server certificate store or file |
CertificateUser |
Gets and sets the user that owns the server certificate |
ClientAccess |
Gets and sets the access rights that have been granted to the
client session |
ClientAddress |
Return the Internet address of the current client connection |
ClientCount |
Return the number of active client sessions connected to the
server |
ClientDirectory |
Return the current working directory for the active client
session |
ClientHome |
Return the home directory for the active client session |
ClientHost |
Return the host name that the client used to establish the
connection |
ClientId |
Return the unique identifier for the active client session |
ClientIdle |
Get and set the idle timeout period for the active client
session |
ClientPort |
Return the port number allocated by the active client connection |
ClientUser |
Return the user name associated with the specified client
session |
CommandLine |
Return the complete command line issued by the client |
Directory |
Get and set the full path to the root directory assigned to the
server |
ExecTime |
Get and set maximum number of seconds that the server will
permit an external command to execute |
ExternalAddress |
Get and set the external IP address used for passive mode data
transfers |
HiddenFiles |
Determine if the server should permit access to hidden files |
Identity |
Gets and sets a string that identifies the server to the client |
IdleTime |
Gets and sets the maximum number of seconds a client can be idle
before the server terminates the session |
IsActive |
Determine if the server has been started |
IsAnonymous |
Determine if the active client session has authenticated as an
anonymous user |
IsAuthenticated |
Determine if the active client session has been authenticated |
IsInitialized |
Determine if the server has been initialized |
IsListening |
Determine if the server is listening for client connections |
LastError |
Gets and sets the last error that occurred on the control |
LastErrorString |
Return a description of the last error that occurred |
LocalPath |
Return the full path to the local file or directory that is the target of the
current command |
LocalTime |
Determines if the server should return file and directory times
adjusted for the local timezone |
LocalUser |
Determines if the server should perform user authentication
using the Windows local account database |
LockFiles |
Determines if files should be exclusively locked when a client
attempts to upload or download a file |
LogFile |
Gets and sets the name of the server log file |
LogFormat |
Gets and sets the format used when updating the server log file |
LogLevel |
Gets and sets the level of detail included in the server log
file |
MaxClients |
Gets and sets the maximum number of clients that are permitted
to connect to the server |
MaxGuests |
Gets and sets the maximum number of anonymous users that are
permitted to connect to the server |
MaxPort |
Gets and sets the maximum port number used by the server for
passive data connections |
MinPort |
Gets and sets the minimum port number used by the server for
passive data connections |
MemoryUsage |
Gets the amount of memory allocated for the server and all
client sessions |
MultiUser |
Determine if the server should be started in multi-user mode |
Options |
Gets and sets the options used when starting the server |
Priority |
Gets and sets the priority assigned to the server |
ReadOnly |
Determine if the server should prevent clients from uploading
files |
Restricted |
Determine if the server should be started in restricted mode,
limiting client access to the server |
Secure |
Determine if the server should accept secure client connections |
ServerAddress |
Gets and sets the address that will be used by the server to
listen for connections |
ServerName |
Gets and sets the fully qualified domain name for the server |
ServerPort |
Gets and sets the port number that will be used by the server to
listen for connections |
ServerUuid |
Gets and sets the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
associated with the server |
StackSize |
Gets and sets the size of the stack allocated for threads
created by the server |
ThrowError |
Enable or disable error handling by the container of the
control |
Trace |
Enable or disable socket function level tracing |
TraceFile |
Specify the socket function trace output file |
TraceFlags |
Gets and sets the socket function tracing flags |
UnixMode |
Determine if the server should impersonate a UNIX-based
operating system |
Version |
Return the current version of the object |
VirtualPath |
Return the virtual path to the local file or directory that is the target of the
current command |