OnEcho Event  

The OnEcho event is generated when a packet is sent to the remote host.


Sub object_OnEcho( [Index As Integer,] ByVal SequenceId As Variant, ByVal RemoteHost As Variant, ByVal PacketSize As Variant )


The OnEcho event is generated for non-blocking sockets when an ICMP echo datagram is sent to the remote host. This event is only generated when the Blocking property is set to False. The following arguments are passed to the event handler:

An integer which specifies the packet sequence number, which is used to uniquely identify each packet that is sent to the remote host. This value will increase for each ICMP echo datagram that is sent until the remote host address is changed. Once a new remote host is specified, the sequence number is reset.
A string which specifies the host name or IP address that the echo datagram was sent to.
An integer which specifies the size of the ICMP echo datagram that was sent to the remote host.

See Also

Blocking Property, Echo Method, OnReply Event