The OnReply event is generated when reply to the ICMP echo
datagram is received.
Sub object_OnReply( [Index As
Integer,] ByVal SequenceId As Variant,
ByVal RemoteHost As Variant, ByVal
PacketSize As Variant, ByVal ElapsedTime
As Variant )
The OnReply event is fired when a packet is echoed back
from the remote system. Note that there is no guarantee that packets
will be returned in the same sequence order they were sent or that
they will be returned at all. This event is only generated when the
Blocking property is set to False. The following arguments are
passed to the event handler:
- SequenceId
- An integer which specifies the packet sequence number, which is
used to uniquely identify each packet that is sent to the remote
host. This value will increase for each ICMP echo datagram that is
- RemoteHost
- A string which specifies the host name or IP address that
returned the echo datagram.
- PacketSize
- An integer which specifies the size of the ICMP echo datagram
that was received.
- ElapsedTime
- An integer which specifies the number of milliseconds that have
elapsed since the packet was sent by the control. This value can be
used to measure the latency between the local system and remote
See Also
Blocking Property,
Echo Method,
OnEcho Event