Mail Message Control Methods  
Method Description
AppendMessage Append text to the body of the current message part
AttachData Attach the contents of a buffer to the current message
AttachFile Attach the specified file to the current message
AttachImage Attach an inline image to the current message
ClearMessage Clear the header and body of the current message
CloseStore Close the current message storage file
ComposeMessage Compose a new mail message
CreatePart Create a new message part in a multipart message
DecodeText Decode a previously encoded string
DeleteHeader Delete a header field from the current message part
DeleteMessage Remove the specified message from the current message store
DeletePart Delete the specified message part in the current message
EncodeText Encode a string using base64 or quoted-printable encoding
ExportMessage Export the current message to a file on the local system
ExtractAllFiles Extract all file attachments from the current message
ExtractFile Extract an attachment from the message and store it in a file
FindAttachment Search the current message for a file attachment with the specified file name
FindMessage Search for a message in the current message store
GetFirstHeader Return the first header in the current message part
GetHeader Return the value for the specified header in the current message part
GetNextHeader Return the next header in the current message part
ImportMessage Replace the current message with the contents of a file
Initialize Initialize the control and validate the runtime license
OpenStore Open the specified message storage file
ParseAddress Parse an Internet email address
ParseMessage Parse the specified string, adding the contents to the current message
PurgeStore Purge all deleted messages from the current message store
ReadStore Retrieve a message from the message store, replacing the current message
ReplaceMessage Replace the specified message in the current message store
Reset Reset the internal state of the control
SetHeader Set the value for the specified header in the current message part
Uninitialize Uninitialize the control and reset it to its default state
WriteStore Store the current message in the message store