Method |
Description |
AppendMessage |
Append text to the body of the current message part |
AttachData |
Attach the contents of a buffer to the current message |
AttachFile |
Attach the specified file to the current message |
AttachImage |
Attach an inline image to the current message |
ClearMessage |
Clear the header and body of the current message |
CloseStore |
Close the current message storage file |
ComposeMessage |
Compose a new mail message |
CreatePart |
Create a new message part in a multipart message |
DecodeText |
Decode a previously encoded string |
DeleteHeader |
Delete a header field from the current message part |
DeleteMessage |
Remove the specified message from the current message
store |
DeletePart |
Delete the specified message part in the current message |
EncodeText |
Encode a string using base64 or quoted-printable encoding |
ExportMessage |
Export the current message to a file on the local system |
ExtractAllFiles |
Extract all file attachments from the current message |
ExtractFile |
Extract an attachment from the message and store it in a file |
FindAttachment |
Search the current message for a file attachment with the specified file name |
FindMessage |
Search for a message in the current message store |
GetFirstHeader |
Return the first header in the current message part |
GetHeader |
Return the value for the specified header in the current
message part |
GetNextHeader |
Return the next header in the current message part |
ImportMessage |
Replace the current message with the contents of a file |
Initialize |
Initialize the control and validate the runtime license |
OpenStore |
Open the specified message storage file |
ParseAddress |
Parse an Internet email address |
ParseMessage |
Parse the specified string, adding the contents to the current
message |
PurgeStore |
Purge all deleted messages from the current message store |
ReadStore |
Retrieve a message from the message store, replacing the
current message |
ReplaceMessage |
Replace the specified message in the current message store |
Reset |
Reset the internal state of the control |
SetHeader |
Set the value for the specified header in the current message
part |
Uninitialize |
Uninitialize the control and reset it to its default state |
WriteStore |
Store the current message in the message store |