Hypertext Transfer Protocol Control Methods  
Method Description
AddField Add the form field and its value to the current form
AddFile Append the contents of the file to the current form
AsyncGetFile Download a file from the server to the local system in the background
AsyncPutFile Upload a file from the local system to the server in the background
Authenticate Authenticate the client session with a username and password
Cancel Cancels the current blocking network operation
ClearForm Remove all defined fields from the current form
ClearHeaders Resets the the current request and response headers to their default values
CloseFile Close the file that was opened on the server
Command Send a custom command to the server
Connect Establish a connection with a server
CreateFile Create a file on the server
CreateForm Create a new form, replacing the current form
DeleteField Delete the form field and its value from the current form
DeleteFile Remove a file on the server
Disconnect Terminate the connection with a server
GetCookie Return information about the specified cookie
GetData Transfer data from the server and store it in a local buffer
GetFile Copy a file from the server to the local system
GetFileSize Return the size of the specified file on the server
GetFileTime Return the modification date and time for specified file on the server
GetFirstHeader Return the first response header field name and value
GetHeader Return the value of the specified header field
GetNextHeader Return the next response header field name and value
GetText Retrieve a text resource from the server and store it in a string buffer
Initialize Initialize the control and validate the runtime license key
OpenFile Open a file on the server for reading
PatchData Submit patch data to the server and return the response in a string buffer
PostData Transfer data from a local buffer and stores it in a file on the server
PostFile Post the contents of the specified file to a script executed on the server
PostJson Post JSON formatted data to a script executed on the server
PostXml Post XML formatted data to a script executed on the server
PutData Transfer data from a local buffer to the server
PutFile Copy a file from the local system to the server
PutText Submit the contents of a string buffer to the server
Read Return data read from the server
Reset Reset the internal state of the control
SetCookie Send the specified cookie to the server when a resource is requested
SetHeader Set the value of a request header field
SubmitForm Submit the current form to the server for processing
TaskAbort Abort the specified asynchronous task
TaskDone Determine if an asynchronous task has completed
TaskResume Resume execution of an asynchronous task
TaskSuspend Suspend execution of an asynchronous task
TaskWait Wait for an asynchronous task to complete
Uninitialize Uninitialize the control and release any system resources that were allocated
Write Write data to the server