Mail Message Control  

Compose and parse standard MIME formatted email messages.


Control Information

Object Name MailMessageCtl.MailMessage
File Name CSMSGX11.OCX
Version 11.0.2218.1855
ProgID SocketTools.MailMessage.11
ClassID 2EBAA6DD-FFE7-4C6E-AA25-273C399C43E4
Threading Model Apartment
Help File CST11CTL.CHM
Dependencies None
Standards RFC 822, RFC 2045, RFC 2046, RFC 2047, RFC 2048


The Mail Message ActiveX control provides an interface for composing and processing email messages and newsgroup articles which are structured according to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) standard. Using this control, an application can easily create complex messages which include multiple alternative content types, such as plain text and styled HTML text, file attachments and customized headers.

It is not required that the developer understand the complex MIME standard; a single method can be used to create multipart message, complete with a styled HTML text body and support for international character sets. The Mail Message control can be easily integrated with the other mail related components, making it extremely easy to create and process MIME formatted messages.

The control also includes an interface for managing a local message storage file that can be used to store and retrieve multiple messages. Methods are provided to open and create storage files, add, remove and extract messages from storage, and search the stored messages for specific header field values.


The SocketTools ActiveX Edition components are self-registering controls compatible with any programming language that supports COM (Component Object Model) and the ActiveX control specification. If you are using Visual Basic 6.0 you must have Service Pack 6 (SP6) installed. It is recommended that you install all updates for your development tools.

This control is supported on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions of the desktop and server platforms. If you are using Windows 7, you must have Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed as a minimum requirement. It is recommended that you install the current service pack and all critical updates available for the operating system.

This product includes both 32-bit and 64-bit ActiveX controls. Native 64-bit CPU support requires the latest 64-bit version of Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 or later versions of the Windows operating system.


When you distribute an application that uses this control, you can either install the file in the same folder as your application executable or as a shared component in the appropriate system folder. If you install the control in the system folder, it is important that you distribute the correct version for the target platform and it must be registered. If you install the control in the same folder as your executable, it is recommended that you use registration-free activation or COM redirection to ensure that the correct version of the control is loaded by the application.