SocketWrench Control Methods  
Method Description
Abort Terminate the connection with a remote host
Accept Accepts a client connection on a listening socket
Bind Bind the socket to the specified local address and port number
Cancel Cancels the current blocking network operation
Connect Establish a connection with a server
ConnectUrl Establish a connection with a server using a URL
Disconnect Terminate the connection with a remote host
Flush Flush the contents of the send and receive socket buffers
Initialize Initialize the control and validate the runtime license key
Listen Listen for incoming connections
Peek Return data read from the socket, but do not remove it from the socket buffer
Read Return data read from the socket
ReadByte Read a single byte of data from the socket
ReadLine Read a line of data from the socket, storing it in a string buffer
ReadStream Read a stream of data from the socket, returning when all data has been read
Reject Reject a pending client connection
Reset Reset the internal state of the control
Resolve Resolves a host name to a host IP address
Shutdown Stop sending or receiving data on the socket
StoreStream Read a stream of data from the remote host, storing it in a file
Uninitialize Uninitialize the control and release any system resources that were allocated
Write Write data to the socket
WriteByte Write a single byte of data to the socket
WriteLine Write a line of data to the socket, terminated with a carriage-return and linefeed
WriteStream Write a stream of data to the socket, returning when all data has been written